What we do

Annual meetings

We organise an annual educational meeting each Spring which attracts CPD points. This includes keynote talks from national and international experts, presentation of research carried out in Scotland and lively debates about ‘hot topics.’ We also host a large number of poster presentations of audit, quality improvement and research projects. We welcome trainees and colleagues from the full multidisciplinary team to attend and hone their skills – cash prizes, including the Methven Prize, are an added attraction for the best oral and poster presentations.

Teaching & Training

We organise a rolling 3-year programme for Respiratory Medicine trainees in Scotland. In addition to this, during autumn we hold an annual national trainee symposium to offer an additional chance for trainees to present their work, network and learn from guest speakers. This is normally held in November.

Interaction with other organisations

We provide expert opinion to the Scottish Government, interact with other colleagues elsewhere in the UK e.g. British Thoracic Society, and input to other organisations such as ASH Scotland.