We are delighted to welcome trainees, consultants, specialist nurses and allied healthcare professionals to our annual national trainee symposium in the Stirling Management Centre on the 7th November. We have an exciting range of oral presentations and guest speakers. The programme is as follows:
0930 Registration and Tea & Coffee
09:55 Welcome Address – Dr Owen Dempsey Consultant Chest Physician, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, Scotland President, Scottish Thoracic Society
Session 1 10:00 Oral Presentations Chaired by: Dr Ananda Mirchandani, Senior Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian
10:05 Presented by: Miss Maryam Sahibqran, Medical Student, Sleep & Breathing Support Research Centre, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde “From respiratory failure to respiratory success: Remote monitored IVAPS-based home NIV controls hypercapnic respiratory failure, improves survival and offsets inequalities” Authors: M Sahibqran, C Levey, M Manthe, A Taylor, G McDowell, E Livingston, C Carlin
10:25 Presented by: Dr Stuart Dickson, Trainee, Institute for Regeneration and Repair, University of Edinburgh “Pulmonary molecular alveoscopy: a novel platform for distal lung imaging and sampling” Authors: Dr Stuart Dickson, Dr Erin Gaughan, Dr Antonella Pellicoro, Prof Kevin Dhaliwal
10:45 Presented by: – Dr Nicola Robinson, Trainee, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh “The effect of CFTR modulators on systemic inflammation in Cystic Fibrosis” Authors: N Robinson, G Hardisty, R Gray
11:05 Presented by: Dr Hugo Bench, Post FY2 Locum, Monklands, Wishaw, Glasgow Royal Infirmary and QUEH Greater Glasgow & Lanarkshire “Standardised CT follow up post resection for non-small cell lung cancer allows early detection and treatment of recurrence
and new cancers”.
11:25 Presented by: Dr Nikos Kostoulas, Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank “Review of pathways for Lung Cancer patients referred for surgical treatment in West of Scotland in the post-Covid19 era” Authors: Nikos Kostoulas, Athanasios Asonitis, Imran Hussain
11:45 Presented by: Ms Hannah Urquhart, Medical Student, University of Glasgow Medical School, Glasgow “Tuberculosis within Greater Glasgow and Clyde (2020-2022): continued association with social inequality” Authors: Hannah Urquhart, Saiyam Brahmbhatt, Dr Ewen Ross
12:05 Presented by: Dr Jamie Ingram, Trainee Pulmonary Vascular Fellow Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank “The Digital Health Landscape in a Scottish National Pulmonary Hypertension Population” Authors: Jamie Ingram, Harrison Stubbs, Stephanie Lua, Melanie Brewis, Martin Johnson, Colin Church
12:20 New STS website launch Presented by: Dr Kirsty Griffiths, ST6, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness. Chaired by: Dr Owen Dempsey, President, Scottish Thoracic Society, Consultant Chest Physician Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, Scotland.
12:35 Lunch /Tea & Coffee and Exhibition
13:45 Guest Speaker: Dr Ananda Mirchandani Senior Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, University of Edinburgh and NHSLothian “From bedside to bench; becoming a clinician scientist” (20 min presentation, 10 min questions) Chaired by: Dr Pallavi Bedi, Consultant Respiratory Physician: NHS Lanarkshire; Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer University of Glasgow
14:15 Session 2 Lightning Talks Chaired by: Dr Melanie Brewis Consultant Physician, Scottish Pulmonary Vascular Unit, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Queen Elizabeth University and Gartnavel General Hospitals, Honorary Clinical Senior lecturer University of Glasgow.
14:20 Presented by: Dr Elizabeth McCully, ST5, Glasgow Royal Infirmary. “Simulation based mastery learning for chest drain insertion: impact of booster session timing and interim clinical exposure on confidence for internal medicine trainees” Authors: Joanne Kerins, Elisabeth McCully, Suzanne Anderson Stirling, Samantha Eve Smith, James Tiernan and Victoria Ruth Tallentire
14:25 Presented by: Dr Kathryn Scott, Intensive Care Medicine, Glasgow Royal Infirmary “Persistent Pulmonary Abnormalities on CT imaging post- COVID-19 pneumonia correlates with poorer patient reported outcomes” Authors: Authors: Robert Sykes, Andrew J Morrow, Kenneth Mangion, Alex McConnachie, Alasdair Mcintosh, Giles Roditi, Claire Rooney, Kathryn Scott, David Stobo, Colin Berry, Colin Church, Hannah K. Bayes on behalf of the CISCO-19 investigators
14:30 Presented by: Dr Hiral Jhala, ST2 Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank “Outcomes of Octogenarians Post Lung Cancer Resection” Authors: Hiral S Jhala, Mathew Thomas
14:35 Presented by: Dr Michiala Cafferkey, ST4, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh “Physician-Led Thoracic Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy; a District General Hospital Perspective” Authors: MJ Cafferkey, GA Martin
14:40 Presented by: Dr Tom Eadington, ST1 Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank “Intraoperative lymph node sampling for primary lung cancer – a single centre experience” Authors: T. Eadington, A. Kirk – On behalf of Golden Jubilee Thoracic Surgery Department
14:45 Presented by: Dr. Roisin McKenna Favier, FY2 Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank “Audit of the current in-patient referral pathway for urgent non- cancer thoracic pathologies in a major thoracic centre”. Authors: Dr. Roisin McKenna Favier (FY2), Mr. Luke McElroy (ST2 General Surgery), Mr. Matthew Thomas (Consultant Thoracic Surgeon)
14:50 Presented by: Miss Katy Rooney, Respiratory Nurse Specialist, Glasgow Royal Infirmary “Evaluation of a Novel Domiciliary Long Term Oxygen Therapy Assessment Service” Authors: K McGee, M McGettrick, K Rooney, C Willis, H Bayes
14:55 Presented by: Dr Emily Turner, Scottish Clinical Leadership Fellow, Centre for Sustainable Delivery, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank “Multidisciplinary management of interstitial lung disease in NHS Scotland” Authors: Emily Turner – Scottish Clinical Leadership Fellow, Centre for Sustainable Delivery Linda Sparks – National Improvement Advisor, Centre for Sustainable Delivery Phil Korsah – Associate National Clinical Director, Centre for Sustainable Delivery Tom Fardon Clinical Lead, Respiratory Specialty Delivery Group, Centre for Sustainable Delivery
15:00 Presented by: Dr Sarah Lewis, Trainee Clinical Fellow at The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow “Triumphs and Challenges: a spotlight on the wellbeing of Junior Doctors” Authors: S Lewis; I Bitrus; C O’Dowd; J Sarvesvaran
15:05 Presented by: – Jayakumar Ragittaran, FY2, Radiology, Dundee “Follow up imaging for patients admitted with community acquired pneumonia – a retrospective audit” Authors: Jayakumar Ragittaran, Lewis Marshall, Clinical Research Fellow
15:15 Guest Speaker – Dr Simon Edgar, Consultant Anaesthetist and Director of Medical Education, NHS Lothian
Finding your 20% – the route to Joy in work
The most joyful, productive, and engaged healthcare staff appreciate the meaning and purpose of their work, have some choice and control over their time, and perceive their work life to be fair and equitable. This talk will document the speakers journey to finding balance in work, sourcing the 20% and offer tips to others seeking a more joyful and fulfilling work-life”
Chaired by Prof George Chalmers, Consultant – Respiratory Medicine, Honorary Associate Clinical Professor, Glasgow Royal Infirmary (20 min presentation, 10 min questions)
15:45 Break and Tea/Coffee
16:00 Announcement of winners and close. Dr Owen Dempsey, Consultant Chest Physician, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, Scotland President, Scottish Thoracic Society
Thank you to the following companies who have sponsored this event:
Chiesi Ltd Glaxosmith Kline Boehringer Ingelheim AstraZeneca AstraZeneca
Rocket Medical
Cipla EU Limited
For the educational aspects of the meeting, this meeting is supported by the companies above through the purchase of exhibition trade space only. These companies have no control over the educational content of this activity.